Why Eternal Lands?
Main Page
Player Signup
What Is Eternal Lands?
Current GMs


Note! The IP address of the server has changed! This means you have to download a new login.cfg file here or in the downloads section!


Just a general update of the site. Quite a few more items were scripted, and are already in play in the game--they will probably appear on the custom item list (in the Why Eternal Lands? section) in a few days.


Recently several new items/NPC's have been added to our archive of unique items.
Also some new items/NPC's are soon to come. We are still open for any suggestions
feel free to page the GM's about it, or email us about it here.


We are going to try and put together a quest on Saturday (12/14/02) night, if you
would like to join us, do one of the following:
-Simply find a GM, and ask him
-If you can't find a GM, send a Page
-or, Email us here with your character name
and we will sign you up. (If not enough people sign up there will be no quest)


The "Why Eternal Lands Section was updated recently, and now includes new items,
and the new guilds. If you have started a guild, and would like to have it posted
email us here and we will post it as soon as possible


The website has been updated a bit.